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20th August’2021

GSoC ‘21 Report | Aniket Ranjan | @NRNB | Enhancement of Open_Source_Protein_Interaction_Platform


The Google summer of code program has been a great and fun learning experience to me over the past months. The project was aimed to enhance the project of openPIP (Open_Source_Protein_Interaction_Platform) to make it production ready.

What is OpenPIP

OpenPIP (Open Source Protein Interaction Platform) is a web application which can be used to visualize, modify, analyze and download thousands of complex protein-protein interactions for further analysis, prediction and research work. The protein interaction data is fed into the platfrom using .psi file format which contains information about the protein interactions and their annotations. The webapplication gets the uniprot/ensemble ID from the .psi file and fetches the protein data like protein_name, gene_name, protein_sequence, description, external_links and saves them into the database. The protein interactions are then visualized using Cytoscape.js library. The application supports search filters which can be used to enrich and filter desired results which can be saved for further analysis.

Protein Interaction data file


OpenPIP webapp


Protein_Interaction Visualization using CytoscapeJS


Work Summary and Pull requests

The following features are integrated with this pull request:

To Do

Future Scope

Special Thanks

I would like to wholeheartedly thank my mentors who were my constant guide and ofcourse without whome this wasn’t possible. Thanks for your valuable feedbacks, guidance and project planning. You were amazing!

1. Gary Bader

Professor of Molecular Genetics and Computer Science, The Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto
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2. Mohamed Helmy

Senior Specialist, Bioinformatics Institute (BII) at A*STAR
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